Equal At The End

I thought of putting this on my tombstone, if I ever have one:

you had fame and I had shame
yet in life we were the same

you had beauty and I did not
in the end we were equal rot

you were rich and I was poor
now we are both nevermore

Young Beauty and Then Gone

her beauty was too young
her arms tight and golden
a body like a perfectly made craft
hair laying just right on her lemon shoulder
barbie never looked this good

her mother ugly as black dust
a brutal sin
unessential square face and small eyes
dry hair so that dogs ran away

the father, a skinny black man
with a disappearing name
shiny skin, quiet
left when she was young
for a better future with a red head
in the Northeast named dorthy

beauty was giraffe tall
with straight hair
like a real white woman
dark dirty blonde
she was dirty at times
cussing when she didn’t get her way

so young and confused she
smoked late into the night secretly
but the agency found her
at McDonald’s unimpressed by day
in pajamas at night with ice cream
dripping down her plump corner-to-corner lips

they placed her in the lights
they placed her on thighs
magazines got to know her name though
not even out of the teens
and fame was spreading
through her immature bones
her twisted body confused, directionless
she was a sad kid

then she found a man
and heroin

I haven’t seen her since

M.D. Jordan 2013

3 Love Hate Shadormas

Love hates hate
Its bland recipe
Feeding the
Feelings more
Hate makes bitter the vision
Love is a strong salt

Hate hates love
Sour mash spoiled
Sting on tongue
Stinging eyes
The tears flow from swollen ducts
Soul in empty pain

Make hate love
Bend your mind to will
Sun burns off
Foggy lake
Blinding light set upon sight
Tasty smile cast loose

M.D. Jordan, 2011

3 Shadow Shadormas


The shadow
In tow its black mass
Followed me
Constant watch
With intrepid care complete
A friend bound on ground


Shadows grow
In topsy-turvy
Air gone by
Unchained not
Stuck in its own stale breath
Takes two to complete


It grows wide
To encompass paths
Bound by step
Loose on ground
What follows must someday lead
Shadows live for man

M. D. Jordan, 2011

Three Fate Shadormas


Spinning life
We can think we are
Born to love
Born to hate
No matter what we create
Disregard blind fate


Leaves in cup
A bull made form once
Dismay struck
Was it good?
I shook the cup timidly
Fate would have control


Fate ran haste
The table set once
made empty
No one came
Granddad struck the sound of time
Quietly rewind

M. D. Jordan, 2011

confusion: (profitability & rebellion)

confusion of values
starts the rebellion.

citizens can be expected
to lay blame on the past.


the elaborate new financial deceptions
of the corporate entity
(a fictional person).

but no culprits can be held
in the desire for old
testament justice.

it’s a long running degradation,
corporations too big to prosecute,
punishment too thin
to limit economic damage.

the morality of the market
defines crime as the price
rather than the punishment,
an amoral need to maximize
a thin veneer of responsibility.

villains cannot be located
by the system,
prosecutions are dropped,
the cash prize
at the end of the rainbow.


profitability of illegal activity
far exceeds the cost of penalty.

under a façade of enforcement,
personal liability is attached
to you & I.

criminal intent not established,
the disturbing spectacle
does not limit damage
but causes fallout & crimes
of torture, seen by
people on guided tours.

confusion over.

the deep conflict of values
starts the continuation
of the status quo,
no culprits to be held,
a rebellion for the bloodless.

M. D. Jordan, 2011

Mostly in Movies

we go to see what we aren’t.
movies are deceiving.

we are the object
the movie is watching.

the theater is in control,
giving us what we need
in tiny slices,
a temporary womb
for the senses.

for hours, dumbstruck
we are watched, stuck
in a life so different
we think it is real
& reality doesn’t exist.

when the show lets us,
we go home
mouths shut, minds agape
to sit on our little couches
& large asses.

waiting. staring.

we wait for the movie
to give us our lives.
but it all ends up

life. stuck.

living is like watching
grass grow at a feverous pitch
& the dots never come
to indicate where the reel gets changed.

Mark David Jordan, 2011

(for those who remember when, there used to be large dots that would appear on a movie's right side to indicate to the projectionist when to begin the next reel of film so that to the viewer there would be no pause. Watch for this during old movies)

this: (the thing you do)

things are not this way
     or that.

things are what we
     make of them.


what they make of us.

that thing you do
     is the same
as the thing I do
     just done differently.

when you are the one
     doing the thing
you are not the one
     examining it.

so the thing you do
     is not
the thing seen.

but the importance
     of the thing
is that it exists
     & not how it is viewed.

things are not this way
     or that.

things are.

Mark David Jordan, 2011
Speaking is overrated and sometimes even traumatic to me.  This is why I like poetry.  I am not a person who likes to speak a lot (very introverted), but with poetry I feel and hear the words more like sensations on the senses rather than a form of everyday verbal communication.  Poetry goes so much deeper.